Mother Yvonne-Aimée

Mother Yvonne-Aimée

This week was the 68th anniversary of the death of Mother Yvonne-Aimée, a foundress born in Brittany, renowned for her generosity, patient suffering, and total oblation to the will of God. Dom Mark Kirby (of Silverstream Priory) writes of a gift he acquired by reading...
carefully assessing INVOcell

carefully assessing INVOcell

Sister Renée Mirkes takes a careful look at a new medical response to infertility that claims to be in accord with Catholic teaching, explaining how it differs from IVF, the moral implications involved, and the options available to infertile couples seeking to become...
Disposing of disposable partners

Disposing of disposable partners

There are a lot of clever observations in this piece by Ann Farmer (“Sexual Revolution: Is the Honeymoon Over?”) which shows that replacing the deep desire for love with the shallow pleasures of lust is unworkable. Despite the best efforts of the sexual...
The power of story

The power of story

I love this personal account by Jenny Uebbing, who began her trek back to her childhood faith after hearing the personal story of Dr Scott Hahn. And now she tells her story, because as people we are wired for stories. The stories of the saints are gripping, as are...
Never Overlooked by God

Never Overlooked by God

In March of 2018, the New York Times began a new project: Obituary writing is more about life than death: the last word, a testament to a human contribution. Yet who gets remembered — and how — inherently involves judgment. To look back at the obituary archives can,...
New Gillette ad

New Gillette ad

According to the Wall Street Journal: The latest ad, created by Gillette’s ad agency Grey, is among the first to address the #MeToo movement head on, and to blatantly tell men to change their behavior. “This is an important conversation happening, and as a company...