by Genevieve Kineke | Dec 20, 2023 | Femininity, Holy Orders, Motherhood
While there has been abundant confusion emerging from the Vatican in recent years—whether directly from the Holy Father or from others employed therein—the last “scandalous” quotes concerning the nature of Holy Mother Church were not so much scandalous as they were...
by Genevieve Kineke | Mar 26, 2019 | Culture, Femininity
That’s the mantra here in the Boston area (go Bruins!) but I had a great encounter with Bear Woznick:
by Genevieve Kineke | Feb 4, 2019 | Femininity, Gender
Hands down. Why? Because it degrades the whole effort to encourage and affirm girls. Profiling an all-girl team (seriously, ten-year-old girls) against a full-fledged male lineup with 10 times their body weight, they were allowed to pathetically move the ball forward...
by Genevieve Kineke | Jan 14, 2019 | Femininity, Masculinity, Vice, Virtue
According to the Wall Street Journal: The latest ad, created by Gillette’s ad agency Grey, is among the first to address the #MeToo movement head on, and to blatantly tell men to change their behavior. “This is an important conversation happening, and as a company...
by admin | Nov 9, 2018 | Femininity, Gender, Masculinity
I offered a recent column was on this topic, in which I ask the question: is there a feminine counterpart? If, though, we agree to the term “toxic” for some male actions, then we must turn the spotlight around to women and ask how they are prone to corrupting their...
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