Four-fold Gratitude
Just as every bishop has a genealogy—the long succession of men laying hands on men, who have in turn ordained others—every Christian has a genealogy. The difference is that ours is not nearly as crisp or well-documented!
The Eighth Station
The Eighth Station of the Cross isn’t ordered towards renewal and reward, rather, it carries a pall of apprehension and foreboding. Far from being words of comfort, anyone hearing them should be aghast, pondering what might be worse than the event those women were witnessing.
What are we hoping for in heaven?
Quite recently, I happened across a catechetical video asking people about what they imagined heaven to be like. But among the answers, not one had offered a single reference to entering the presence of God, of joining in the adoration of the Lamb, or even having the tremendous opportunity to whisper a “thank you!” to Jesus who made heaven possible for those who love him.
Induced Abortion Increases Risk for Breast Cancer
From The American College of Pediatricians: In recognition of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) would like every young woman to be aware of how the reproductive choices she makes may affect her future risk of...
Protecting Children
Two converging stories reveal that those who claim to have the best interests of children in mind are [once again] lying, and that many perverse legal structures are firmly in place that make children far more vulnerable.
Leaving Afghanistan
Sister Shahnaz, who worked in Afghanistan for the Pro Bambini di Kabul (PBK) association and arrived in Italy on one of the last flights of the airlift organized by the authorities, is still in shock.
A toxic lens on motherhood
The patient work of women is to reintroduce proper understanding of both motherhood and fatherhood–which are not without their “joys and horrors.”
Legacy of the Prophet
Hassan Ahmed, a goat herder, who is blind, said his daughter had been a hard worker and had helped to guide him. “She used to do everything for me … She helped and cooked for me, and took care of the animals when I was resting.” Now, at age 13, she is dead.
Head. Exploding.
California’s governor signed Senate Bill 132, which allows “transgender, non-binary and intersex people to be housed and searched in a manner consistent with their gender identity” — meaning that men are now being transitioned into into women’s prisons, allowing violent criminals to bunk with what in quaint terms use to be called the opposite sex.
Toxic Stereotypes
We have witnessed decades of feminist insisting that girls should have all options open to them, they shouldn’t be told to sit in the corner and play with dolls, and Being Yourself might mean shaving your head (and nothing else). Now along come the Storm Troopers for Team Trans telling us, ‘Move over, the monkey bars are for boys.’
Rethinking Bastille Day
Do we have what it takes to hold fast to the truth about the human person in the current culture? Can we witness boldly to “Male and female he made them”?
Just a few more days to register
A virtual conference is available for those unable to be in San Antonio, details here. It's been an odd summer thus far here in Connecticut, but I think the women of Texas will show me how it's done -- heat, that is! So looking forward to meeting my sisters in Christ...