Two converging stories reveal that those who claim to have the best interests of children in mind are [once again] lying, and that many perverse legal structures are firmly in place that make children far more vulnerable–especially when they are given into the care of those [individuals & institutions] who don’t give a fig for their well-being.

The first story concerns the children crossing the southern border of the US, ostensibly to build a new life in America. Whether or not their actual, biological parents really thought it was a good idea to send them north alone without their oversight is a moot point, because here they are.

In the first five months of this year [2021], more than 65,000 unaccompanied minors were apprehended while attempting to cross the US-Mexico border, according to US Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Unlike single adults and some family units, the vast majority of unaccompanied children are not subject to deportation once apprehended, but are placed in the short-term custody of HHS, which is responsible for arranging long-term shelter for them until their case is heard in court. If no sponsors come forward, the department can place them in shelters, group homes or foster care.

These young people are often released to sponsors, with intentions to follow-up to assure that they are safe and being enrolled in school, but often they simple disappear:

The Biden administration has lost contact with thousands of unaccompanied illegal immigrant children who have been released from federal custody, according to a shocking report Wednesday. Axios found that between January and the end of May, the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Administration for Children and Families made 14,600 calls to check in on kids released from government-run shelters to sponsors inside the US. Of those calls, 4,890 (33.5 percent) were not answered by either the child or their sponsor. The website also found that the proportion of unanswered calls grew from 26 percent in January to 37 percent in May — and that the calls were not made as often as they should have been.

The immediate concern is that they have fallen into the hands of human traffickers, who naturally wouldn’t be prone to answer the phone. Some had already been waylaid on the journey and were subject to the bullying tactics of those posing as their parents. This was the reason that President Trump had separated the children from the adults at the border facilities–trying to ascertain who was a legitimate parent and who wasn’t. The outcry against that policy was wall-to-wall outrage. Now that real harm is in the making, crickets.

The second story also concerns immigration, but this time those fleeing Afghanistan. Tucked neatly into the family groups of these immigrants are child brides, given the longstanding Islamic custom of allowing girls to be given in marriage as young as the age of nine (due to Muhammed’s own example in marrying Aisha). Some think that the girls were given to older men as the only opportunity to get them out of the country, but what sort of “freedom” is that? Christine Douglass-Williams notes:

Western countries were once bastions of human rights, but with creeping Sharia, an incursion into the West has created one law for infidels, another for Muslims. When Western women find themselves in abusive relationships, they are encouraged to leave. When Muslim women are in abusive relationships, including child brides, it’s called “diversity.” The real belief of “progressives” is that abuse of women is ok for “those people,” but not for Western women. Men marrying children is child abuse. Victims have no say, given the threat of consequences, and are in need of advocacy and protection.

The hasty retreat from Afghanistan has highlighted the growing problem:

Reports of “child brides” among Afghan refugees were first reported last week by AP and other news outlets, including cases of girls saying they had been raped or sexually abused by older men. State Department officials were seeking “urgent guidance” from other government agencies on how to deal with the issue, AP reported. It now appears that those other agencies, particularly [Customs & Border Protection], are investigating those reports. “U.S. officials at intake centers in the United Arab Emirates and in Wisconsin have found many incidents in which Afghan girls have been presented to authorities as the wives of much older men,” says a Sept. 5 report by the Office of Intelligence and Analysis in CBP’s parent agency, the Department of Homeland Security.

If these girls remain in their current state, they won’t be alone. Population Matters has the numbers:

The report titled United States’ Child Marriage Problem by Unchained at Last, which combats forced and child marriage in the US, reveals some shocking and poorly known facts. About 300,000 children with a few as young as 10 were married in the US between 2000 and 2018. Not surprisingly, most are girls (86%) married to adult men – clearly an injustice rooted in gender inequality and patriarchy. What makes this crisis worse is that these marriages are lawful.

While the article expresses outrage and has the statistics, it is noticeably quiet when it comes to the widespread Islamic practice–in fact the examples given are never Muslims. The problem is being utterly ignored in Europe, not only ignored but anyone who speaks against child brides will be punished: A former Danish immigration minister was impeached for violating the European Convention on Human Rights by trying to separate underaged brides. Inger Stojberg said she did “the only political and humane thing” to combat forced child marriages.

“Imagine arriving in a country like Denmark, a country of equality, as a young girl victim of a forced marriage, and you discover that instead of giving you the possibility to break free of your forced marriage, the state forces you to stay together in an asylum reception centre,” she said.

This just underscores the insincerity of those policies that are purportedly to protect children, but leave them prey to the worst of abuses, allowing them to be used and abused by all sort of bad actors. Migration is always disruptive to societies, but it also creates a prime cover for the shredding of families and the natural safeguards of decent communities.