I highly recommend taking five minutes to watch this trailer, which introduces an excellent movie, “seven years in the making, SEXUAL REVOLUTION seeks to examine the effects of the free-love experiment of the hippie generation and the prophetic encyclical, Humanae Vitae.

As the Register notes:

Sexual Revolution is not just a personal memoir. It is more than that. In the second half of the film, Newman turns away from recounting her personal quest [to discover her father] and instead begins to explore the history of how she ended up being born in the manner she was. She starts with the origin of the single factor that has brought about so much that is wrong in our society, namely, the contraceptive pill. The film suggests that the source of many of society’s woes, personal and spiritual, are linked to this pill and continue to increase in direct proportion to its ever growing use.

That said, the film is not a sterile lament. Running parallel to the story of the poison inserted into our world via the contraceptive pill there is another narrative telling of the discovery and promotion of the Billings Method, a natural form of fertility awareness of the manner in which the female body works with its cycles of fertility. The film also demonstrates one thing: that the pill has made a lot of money for a few, irrespective of the costs of the women who take it.

The cast includes Archbishop Chaput, Janet Smith, Peter Kreeft, Mother Teresa, Christopher West, Abby Johnson, Mary Eberstadt, and so many other wise voices. While illustrating our most grievous cultural misstep and its disastrous consequences, it is a source of tremendous hope that truth will out and sanity can be regained. Healing and wholeness are possible.

[To that end, my book on forgiveness offers very practical guidance on how to recover from all the lies. New paperback edition here.]