This dedicated son was amply rewarded after 27 years of dedication to his unconscious mother, who had suffered a brain injury in protecting him in a car accident.

A woman who spent almost 30 years in a coma is now alert and talking after her family refused to give up hope for her recovery. Omar would visit his mother every day, walking more than a mile to see her. He said he spent hours with her each day and could tell whether she was in pain, even though she couldn’t speak. He said it was tough to hold down a job due to his mother’s condition, but he didn’t regret anything. “I never regretted it. I believe that, because of my support for her, God saved me from bigger troubles,” he told The National.

All caregivers should take heart, in two ways. Omar saw how he was transformed by taking care to visit his mother daily, despite the complications that added to his life over the years. And whether the patient recovers in this life or not, there will be a tremendous reunion in eternity for those who lift their burdens to God and rely on his goodness, for “all things work together unto God for those who love God” (Romans 8:28).

Bobby Schindler, the brother of Terri Schaivo who was quite publicly denied food and water in a similar state, reminds us:

“Often times, as in the case of my sister, Terri, it is used to justify ending the patients life. It is deeply disturbing that we are deliberately killing patients based on a diagnosis that is wrong almost half of the time. In fact, new research is learning that what these patients need is not only time for the brain to recover, but ongoing therapy and rehabilitation. Sadly, as long as we accept death as the alternative to caring for these persons, too many of these patients will be purposely killed without ever receiving the benefit of rehabilitation and the opportunity to recover. God bless her family for their life-affirming care and for never giving up hope!”