In the summer of 2021, the contemplative Dominican nuns of the Monastery of Our Lady of Grace in North Guilford, Connecticut will have a new member. Gretchen Erlichman, a PhD candidate and teaching fellow at Catholic University, explains her vocation here:

I am not entering a monastery to escape the world or to display false piety. I am entering religious life so that I may follow the particular vocation by which I can most perfectly fulfill my purpose as a Christian member of human society. In denying herself the things of the world, a nun radically affirms the reality of both good and evil in the world. In entering the cloister, she frees herself to enter more deeply into the suffering of a suffering world. And, by closing her eyes in prayer, she is able to open her heart to a world so desperately in need.

Read the whole thing, which beautifully explains how she is entering more deeply into the needs of the Church and offering herself, not only for love of Christ himself, but out of love for us and our needs. Kindly remember these generous souls, and their parents who need to accept God’s call and its impact on their family. God bless these generous souls!

[The image was taken from a different cloister found here.]